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Black-headed Grosbeak?

Message forwarded at the request of Tom Driscoll:

This message is on the Virginia birding listserve. i can't post to
carolinabirds. You may want to forward.

Floyd Williams the birding ranger at Merchants Millpond State Park in Gates County North Carolina, contacted me with a report from a lady in Elizabeth City who has had a Black-headed Grosebeak coming to her feeder
for the past five days. She would like someone else to help her comfirm
that this is what she is seeing. Floyd is going out of town and cannot
go to see it. She has taken some pictures but says they are a little

If someone on the line knows the NC Bird Hotline number please e-mail or
call her at the number below. She is relatively new to the Elizabeth
City area and does not know any birders she can call. She said that anyone
who wants to can also come by and try to see it.

Call or E-mail Shirly Remaley
bird823 AT iwon.com