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Re: Not that clueless

> I'm merely setting my sights on a
> Bachman's Warbler when I head down the coast.

Hey Shantanu -

Just be aware that Bachman's Warbler is a Full Review species in South Carolina 
("full review" means write-ups are needed for any observations of the species 
made anywhere in the state at any time).  If you find a Bachman's Warbler and 
do not submit in triplicate a full formal 16 page (single spaced) write-up with 
sound recording and photos (and preferably video) and copies of thorough field 
notes made at the time of observation as well as competent field sketches to 
the SC Records Committee, your license to bird will be revoked.

Donna Slyce Bailey
Chair, SCBRC

p.s. - I am just kidding, too, about the amount of documentation needed for a 
write-up and the revocation of any birding license.

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