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Henderson County Update

        At about 10:00 AM this date, Marilyn Westphal called to report a
NELSON'S SHARP-TAILED SPARROW just off of Rt.#191 in Henderson County.  Bob
Olthoff and I headed out to her location and were rewarded with a very nice,
male, Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow.  We viewed the bird on several
occasions for about 5-10 minutes.  The bird was on a mound of dirt covered
by weeds and briars, surrounded by  broom sedge  and water.
        To my knowledge, this is the third record for this species in
Henderson County, with the other sightings occurring in October.
        Directions:The bird was seen in the rear of VanWingerden's Nursery
on the west side of Rt. #191, 1/2 mile north of Hooper Lane.  When you turn
into VanWingerden's, it is a paved drive.  Go a short distance past the pond
and you will see, large, dark green, greenhouses on your right.  Immediately
to your left, there is a gravel parking lot, just parallel to the drive you
are on.  Pull into this parking lot, and the bird was seen in the only,
large brush covered mound of dirt that is on the left side of the parking
lot.  The mound is not more then 50 feet from the parking lot!  Thank you
Marilyn! Good luck!
Best regards,
Wayne K. Forsythe
Hendersonville, N. C. 28791