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albino ?

My neighbors have an albino/partial albino something in the yard.  It is
all white except for black eyes.  No other markings to discern what it is. 
Its bill looks like a goldfinch but so does a junco (both at the feeder) It
feeds on the feeder, did not see it go to the ground. I would appreciate
any help on how to ID an albino bird.  It acts similar to the junco and
goldfinch.  Wendy (neighbor) said it came in with finches but didn't note
what kind.  Doesn't look right shape wise to be a house finch although I
guess it's a possibility.  Will, Brian is going to try and get a digital
picture and email to you at work but the light is getting bad.  We are
trying through the scope.  barb brooks in Hillsborough 

--- Barbara Brooks
--- brooksba@mindspring.com
   Hillsborough, NC
--- EarthLink: The #1 provider of the Real Internet.