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Another hummer first from North Carolina

Dear All,

Last winter I banded a feisty juvenile male Rufous Hummingbird at the home
of the Lipsky's in the Crossgate subdivision of north Raleigh.  It had been
visiting their regularly feeder since sometime in December.  Yesterday I
recaptured this same hummer at the home of John and Kay Anthony--just across
the pond from the original hosts.  He was very handsome and healthy already
sporting a completely rufous back.  What is most amazing about this is that
he did not migrate--he has been in the neighborhood all year!  The Lipsky's
moved in mid-February and by March this hummer was being seen at the
Anthony's feeder.  He has been a non-stop fixture there ever since--much to
the dismay of the local Ruby-throats throughout the summer.

Many of us have wondered if/when this might happen in the east.  Apparently
this is the first Rufous Hummingbird to be documented here through the
summer.  What he will do this year remains to be seen.  You can bet I will
be in close contact with the Anthony's through the spring.  They will be
very sad if he does leave--but they do understand that his behavior over the
past year has not been normal.

For those interested, I will post photos of this interesting little bird
(from both last year and this year) in the very near future.  I will let you
know where as soon as they are up and ready.

Boy, this is amazing stuff...

Susan Campbell
Whispering Pines, NC