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HBSP on 2-19

Hi C'birders,
Yesterday, I birded solo at HBSP doing the big circle around Mullet
Pond.  Had 44 species mostly the usual suspects but did have the female
Common Goldeneye in Mullet Pond and this bird was doing a lot of
preening, that funky (bumpy) head shape however was obvious.
Pied-billed Grebe-2
Double-crested Cormorant-50
Great Blue Heron-3
Great Egret-1
Tricolored Heron-2
Green-winged Teal-60
Am. Black Duck-8
Blue-winged Teal-1
Am. Wigeon-13
Ring-necked Duck-10 south end of Sandpiper Pond
Greater Scaup-1
Lesser Scaup-80
Hooded Merganser-20
Ruddy Duck-10
Turkey Vulture-1
Osprey-1 (probable migrant)
Black-bellied Plover-8
Greater Yellowlegs-16
Lesser Yellowlegs-18
Bonaparte's Gull-8
Ring-billed Gull-4
Forster's Tern-1
Mourning Dove-4
Red-bellied Woodpecker-3
Blue Jay-4
Fish Crow-2
Carolina Chickadee-2
Tufted Titmouse-11
Carolina Wren-2
Ruby-crowned Kinglet-1
Hermit Thrush-1
Am. Robin-1
Gray Catbird-2
N. Mockingbird-4
Cedar Waxwing-4
Yellow-rumped Warbler-abundant
Pine Warbler-2 singing
Common Yellowthroat-1 singing
N. Cardinal-5
E. Towhee-3
Swamp Sparrow-2
White-throated Sparrow-13
Red-winged Blackbird-6
Boat-tailed Grackle-5

Jack Peachey
Conway, SC