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Re: RFI South Carolina Pelagics?

Two "head boats" / "party boats" out of Shem Creek in
Mount Pleasant are going out that Saturday.  While
they are both fisherman-oriented, the Carolina Clipper
has historically allowed birders to ride along for
half price - $30-40 (birders don't need rod&reel, bait
or deckhand assistance and don't take up a spot on the
lower rail).  I bet the Thuderstar would still be
willing to make the same deal (they used to).

All things being equal, I'd recommend the Thunderstar.
 Both boats have upper decks but the Thunderstar is
half again as fast and the Thunderstar usually fishes
deeper water.

The boats don't allow birders to throw out popcorn,
fish or other chum to attract gull flocks (to further
attract other seabirds).  This is because they don't
want birds tangling the float lines they put out
astern or tangling the line of a fish being fought.

Despite the no-chum policy, they hang out above live
bottom/reefs/etc. and can produce good birds.  I have
seen Arctic Terns (with Ed Blitch), Leach's
Storm-Petrel and White-tailed Tropicbirds from the
Clipper, to name a few.

Mid-march might be a slow time of year on those boats,
but I'd be very surprised if y'all didn't see some

Here is their info:

Carolina Clipper: 843-884-2992
Thunderstar: 843-881-2792 or 843-884-7586

Nathan Dias - Charleston, SC

--- Carol Schumacher <carol@linux2.winona.msus.edu>
> Dreaming Dovkies and other goodies means we'll soon
> be visiting S.
> Carolina (Allendale to be exact).
> Are there any pelagics leaving from S. Carolina or
> N. Georgia the weekend
> of March 15-16?
> Thanks for any help!  Carol
> -- 
> - carol
> schumacher-carol@linux2.winona.msus.edu-winona,mn
> 		birdminnesota.com
>              we are in this together

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