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job ad: seasonal bird techs, Wilmington NC

This could be a fun way to spend the summer...
Please reply to Walker Golder (see below)


Positions Available:   Seasonal Biological Technicians (2)
                   April 1 to August 15

Location:  Audubon?s NC Coast Office and Sanctuaries, Wilmington, NC

Position Description: Audubon North Carolina, the North Carolina State Office
of the National Audubon Society, protects a network of wildlife sanctuaries
along North Carolina?s coast for the purpose of providing habitats for
nesting waterbirds and shorebirds.  The sanctuaries are islands that support
large colonies of herons, egrets, ibises, pelicans, terns and gulls, as well
as nesting oystercatchers, willets, and other species.

Audubon seeks biological technicians (2) to carry out monitoring, research,
and management projects on sanctuaries near Wilmington.  This person will be
responsible for all activities related to sanctuary protection and
management, as well as limited outreach programs.

Sanctuary management activities include posting and patrolling the
sanctuaries to discourage trespassing and human disturbances, and maintaining
signage throughout the season.

Monitoring and research activities include maintaining detailed records of
waterbird and shorebird breeding activity on the sanctuaries; locating
marking and monitoring nests as part of ongoing productivity studies;
conducting censuses of active nests, and organizing volunteers to assist with
banding projects.  The position requires one to keep detailed, daily field

Additional duties include conducting a few pre-scheduled outreach programs,
preparing a final project report, and working with other staff as needed. 
Additional duties may be assigned.

Requirements: Minimum qualifications are a BS degree in biology, wildlife
management or related field; or coursework in pursuit of a degree in biology,
wildlife management, or related field. The candidate must have good bird
identification skills; good written and oral communication skills; boat
handling experience (boats up to 20? in length); good organizational skills;
computer skills (email, word processing, spreadsheet, and database
management); a valid NC driver?s license and transportation. The candidate
must be in good physical condition and be comfortable working alone,
unsupervised, on the water, in a boat. The position requires one to work most
weekends and holidays, sometimes starting early in the morning (sunrise),
sometimes during adverse conditions such as heat, humidity, and extended
exposure to sun.  Some travel is required.

Compensation: $7.50 per hour, 40 hours/week, no benefits.

Send cover letter and resume no later than March 19th to:

Walker Golder
Audubon North Carolina
3806-B Park Avenue
Wilmington, NC 28403


------- End of forwarded message -------

Charles W. "Will" Cook                  w 919-660-7423
http://www.duke.edu/~cwcook            cwcook@duke.edu
Box 90340, Biology Dept., Duke Univ., Durham, NC 27708