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black-headed grosbeak and red-necked grebe; yes


This afternoon, I drove to Elizabeth City to see the black-headed grosbeak.  
Mr. Remaley and his son fielded phone calls to guide me to their house; we 
Carolinabirders are fortunate that unusual birds seem to have knack for 
finding gracious people to host them (and us).  The bird showed up within 
minutes of my walking around to the side yard.  Not knowing what else to do 
with the remaining two hours of daylight, I lit out for the Outer Banks.

There was little bird life on the ponds or wires once I got there.  I saw 
Rick Knight's entry about the red-necked grebe in the log at the visitor's 
center, though, and I made a point to stop at the Oregon Inlet Marina on my 
way home.  

The grebe was so close in, I spotted it before I even slowed down good.  It 
was swimming in the protected cove between the marina and the coast guard 
station.  Interestingly, in the ten minutes I watched it, the grebe never 
dove.  I got the feeling it is not well.

Hal Broadfoot
Fayetteville, NC