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Hi Fellow Birders,  
Following up on John Fussell's report, I went to Atlantic Beach this
morning to find the Razorbill and Dovekie. The wind was strong and
northerly. It probably had switched since yesterday morning. I saw only 2
Razorbills flying at a considerable distance and no Dovekies or Bonapartes
during the hour I watched at the Triple-S Pier; nothing at the State Park.
At Beaufort inlet there were lots of Bonaparptes working the water surface
and soon I saw 2 Razorbills. One was very close to the shore so I walked to
within 100 ft. and enjoyed a close look for about 5 minutes. Scanning the
Bonapartes for a Little Gull was very difficult and I spotted none. I did
accomplish one goal however. I am proud to announce that the Razorbill was
my ABA # 600. 
Good birding,  Jim

Jim Ward
Oriental, NC