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Re: Odd and scary birding

Hi all,

I have to tell you that, sorry.
That is a story from behind the iron curtain, it happened I was in Polish Army (all males had to) just before Berlin Wall had broken.
That was in SW Poland on one of the training ground and I was in command of 3 armored transporter (Russian type of course with 10 full armed soldiers each) and we were attacking some American (!) forces along a forest. We were in full speed (some 40 mph) and jumping on rough terrain in nice spring day. As I told you I was in command of that game, sitting in one of these jumping coffin and looking around for ... birds instead of some Apache or Amrams. So, I spotted one lonely gentle-builed Harrier in a distance, It was nice adult male of Mountagous Harries, first in spring for me that year. I had nice binocular but everything was jumping and we would disturb that pure bird with our noisy attack! So, I ordered (actually I screamed on the radio) to stop our armor vehicles in the middle of the open meadow and start to watch the handsome bird passing by in a nice breeze, very colorfull bird indeed.
Well we didn't make those Americans but my Captain and his Major made my day....
That is why I am not lieutenant and they didn't wont me to stay in the Army.


Michal Skakuj  Ph.D.
4600 University Drive apt. 1312
Durham, NC 27707
phone:        919 402 9961
mobile phone: 919 599 3040