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New Road and Conway Sewage Treatment Plant

Hi C birders,
This morning I birded along New Road and at the Conway Sewage Treatment
Plant which are located near Conway, Horry County, SC.  Started about
9AM and ended about noon and birded under overcast skies and rather
windy conditions.  Was looking for returning parula, yellow-throated,
and blue-grays.  Found only one of these.  Nonetheless a nice birding
day with 32 species
Great Blue Heron-1
Great Egret-1
Wood Duck-2 male & female together
Blue-winged Teal-1
N. Shoveler-1 male
Ring-necked Duck-60
Scaup sp-4
Lesser Scaup-2
Cooper's Hawk-1
Red-shouldered Hawk-2 seen in flight and then copulating
Red-tailed Hawk-1
Least Sandpiper-20 a number had nice brown upperparts and one had the
nice streaking of an alternate plumaged bird but most were still looking
like basic plumaged birds.
Common Snipe-1
Bonaparte's Gull-50
Ring-billed Gull-5
Red-bellied Woodpecker-3
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker-1 nice yellow belly
Downy Woodpecker-1 male
E. Phoebe-1
Fish Crow-2 heard only
Carolina Chickadee-1
Carolina Wren-3 heard only
Ruby-crowned Kinglet-3
N. Mockingbird-3
Yellow-rumped Warbler-25
Yellow-throated Warbler-2 seen together and one heard only
Pine Warbler-1 heard singing
Common Yellowthroat-2 males seen
N. Cardinal-2 males
Song Sparrow-4 one heard singing
Swamp Sparrow-2
White-throated Sparrow-6
Red-winged Blackbird-4

Jack Peachey
Conway, SC