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Rubythroat and Whip-poor-wills

I had not yet put out the hummer feeders and yesterday (March 24), saw a
male rubythroat perched on the feeder holder.  Hurried out with some hastily
concocted sugar water and he almost immediately came to it.  He must have
been here last year and knew exactly where the feeder would hang.  The water
was still warm, and he wasn't pleased at all!  Complained the whole time
until it cooled.

Several whip-poor-wills at the farm tonight, and heard turkeys going to
roost.  Turkey wings make quite a noise when the birds fly up for the night.
Also heard a couple of gobbles at dark (must be the "jakes" that don't yet
know when to gobble).

Lucille Lentz
Ellerbe, NC
Richmond County