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S.C. Calliope Hummingbird Photos


I've been keeping a sharp eye out for any Razorbills that make their way
to Rawls Creek here in the Irmo area of Columbia, S.C.--none so far!
However, for those who are interested, I finally had the chance to post 
the excellent photos I was sent of the immature male Calliope Hummingbird 
which visited our feeder in late January.  The photos, taken by Susan Campbell
(who banded the bird) and by Steven Tracey, are posted along with some of
the details about its visit at


We're still waiting for our first Ruby-throated sighting of the year.
The feeder activity has dropped tremendously in recent days.  Here the
Redbuds are still gorgeous, and the Dogwoods and Azaleas (both native
and Japanese) are starting to come out.  The tree pollen is overwhelming.

Spring is exploding all around!

Jerry Griggs    j@sc.edu
Columbia, SC