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Re: Thick-billed Murre at Wrightsville Beach

Sam and All,
If anyone has seen the Thick-billed Murre this afternoon, please post 
where it was seen and the time.  There are some folks at Alligator River
NWR who might want to make a detour to see the Murre tomorrow AM.
Shelley Theye

> From: Samwilm@aol.com
> Date: 2003/03/29 Sat AM 09:17:08 EST
> To: carolinabirds@duke.edu
> Subject: Thick-billed Murre at Wrightsville Beach
> This morning a Thick-billed Murre was feeding/resting at the end of Jonnie 
> Mercer's Pier at Wrightsville Beach.  Bird was viewed for over a half hour 
> within 75 yards.  Three razorbills landed within 50 yards of the murre, but 
> did not really hang around with the murre.  Five other large alcids flew by 
> to the north.  Earlier this morning at the south end of Wrightsville Beach 
> there were 6 razorbills feeding around the rocks plus another two in the surf 
> within 30 feet of surfers.  At least 8 other large alcids flew by to the 
> north.   A single dovekie was seen flying by.  The murre was swimming slowly 
> to the north, so I would look for it north of the pier.  Also of note were 
> several Portuguese Man-of-wars (one on shore, several in the water). 
> Sam Cooper
> Wilmington, NC

Shelley Theye
N. Chatham County, NC