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Pacific Loons, Razorbills, Eared Grebe

Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning TWO adult Pacific Loons were feeding 
with a small (25) flock of Common Loons close inshore at Figure 8 Island. 
Merrill Lynch and I had leisurely looks at the Pacific Loons which still 
retained mostly winter plumage.  Some of the Common Loons were in full 
breeding, Maine postcard plumage.  3-6 Razorbills were also feeding with the 
flock which included about 75 Red-breasted Mergansers and a few cormorants, 
Horned Grebes, and Red-throated Loons.  At times the flock was inside the 
breakers pursuing a large school of menhaden.  At least 30 other Razorbills 
and about 20 distant unidentified large alcids flew by all heading north. On 
Sunday morning, an Eared Grebe joined the feeding flock for about an hour.  

Derb Carter
Chapel Hill, NC