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Audubon NC Birding in Raleigh


The tenth annual Audubon NC meeting was held in Raleigh, NC over the
weekend, with Wake Audubon members serving as hosts. There were 11
outdoor field
trips lined up Saturday around the Raleigh area. Rain was falling as
groups gathered in the hotel parking lot to carpool to their sites, but,
for the most part, the rain stopped long enough for participants to
enjoy the birds, wildflowers, butterflies, and nature.

As we know from previous postings, late March is a transitional time of
year for birding, so it was fun to see lingering Yellow-rumped Warbler,
White-throated Sparrow (singing at Yates Millpond), Yellow-breasted
Sapsucker, Bufflehead, and Ruddy Duck (with blue bills), along with the
new spring arrivals of Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (seems as though they just
suddenly appeared in numbers over the past week!), Yellow-throated
Warbler, Louisiana Waterthrush, Purple Martin, and Rough-winged and Tree
Swallows. The group total at the end of the day was 83 species.

Thanks to all who helped with the meeting and to those who attended. We
had 105 people registered. I look forward to the next Audubon chapter
hosting the meeting next year! This was the first year having a chapter
host the event, which also included field trips, instead of meetings all
day. There were familiar faces from CBC meetings, but there were also
many new people to meet. I was happy to meet an active old-timer from
CBC for the first time, who I encouraged to attend CBC meetings again.
You know who you are!!! I don't have your email, so please write me!!

In the meantime, I'm looking forward to the CBC meeting in Clemson, SC
April 25-27. See ya there!

Happy spring birding!! Karen Bearden
Raleigh, NC