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RFI: Birds in Coastal NC/SC Apr. 21-24


My wife and I are planning an escape from Maine to coastal North 
Carolina, possibly farther south, next week from Apr. 21-24. We 
are seeking some of the "usual" land species sought by out-of 
state birders, and have been studying Fussell's great coastal NC 
site guide. 

We plan to visit Roanoke Island, Croatan NF and possibly the 
Great Dismal Swamp, but our itinerary is very flexible. We would 
appreciate any tips on these or other locations or techniques for 
finding the following species during this time, especially tips on 
locations that are good, but may not be mentioned in Fussell 
because of inland location, changes in habitat, etc.

Species Sought:

The "Of course" Birds:
Black Rail (Best spots? Favorite techniques?)
Swainson's Warbler
Bachman's Sparrow
Red-Cockaded Woodpecker

The Others:
Kentucky Warbler
Prothonotary Warbler
Swallow-tailed Kite
-   -     -     -     -
Sandwich Tern
King Rail
Clapper Rail
Wilson's Plover
-   -    -    -    -   
Chuck-will's Widow     \   
Whip-poor-will            /    (any way to *see* these two?)

Thanks for any advice you can give -- and we're happy to give the 
same advice about your future trips to Maine... :)

Chad Dorsey
Brunswick, ME