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new yard birds

Last Mon., 4/14, heard a Summer Tanager, first it's call, then song.  Yesterday, 4/15, 
heard what I thought sounded more like a Scarlet Tanager, but never called so not 100% 
sure.  Heard it again today, but am having a difficult time finding it in the foilage.  Still 
hearing the Summer, too.

Also yesterday, heard, then saw a Broad-winged Hawk over the house, saw one again 
today.  Also an Accipiter sp. flew low over where I was standing and swooped down at 
the feeders, didn't catching anything, but heard a loud "whoosh" sound as it zoomed by., 
was pretty neat.

I noticed that the Bluejays, which usually mimic a Red-shouldered's call, have started 
doing a Broad-winged's call just recently.  It seems like they started around the time that 
the Broad-wingeds showed up!

Lots of singing Ovenbirds and Hooded Warblers, no Wood Thrush yet.  
Shelley Theye

Shelley Theye
N. Chatham County, NC