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Birds and Birders


I was happy to be able to show my Mom six chickadee eggs in the backyard
nest box Monday. Looking forward to spring migration this weekend with
all the great bird sightings on Carolinabirds this week.

A few reminders! The next CBC Newsletter deadline is May 1.

Those in the Triangle area may want join Tim Francis and Wake Audubon
this Saturday, April 19, from 11 am to 3 pm, to welcome the Purple
Martins back to Raleigh. We'll meet at the Hardees at Western Boulevard
and Hillsborough Streets. Tim has a great deal of enthusiasm and passion
for Purple Martins and will share the life history of these birds. There
will also be refreshments and prizes.

Last week Lena wrote about Pete Dunne's visit to Quail Ridge Books in
Raleigh. Joe and I volunteer at Quail Ridge (the same place David Sibley
came last October), so we're pretty excited. We met him briefly while
birding at the Cape May hawkwatch a few years ago. I love his humor and
writing style, so I look forward to hearing him talk about his new book,
"Pete Dunne on Birdwatching."  Pete will be at Quail Ridge Books
(919-828-1588) Tuesday, April 22 (Earth Day!) at 7 pm.

And, you might want to mark your calendars for another bird book signing
at Quail Ridge! Peter Cashwell will be here Friday, June 13 to talk
about his book "The Verb to Bird."

Next weekend is the CBC meeting in Clemson. See some of you there!!

Happy spring birding! Karen Bearden
Raleigh, NC