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bald eagle in Currituck County


A beautiful look at an adult bald eagle this Easter
Sunday...flew over our property in Coinjock, seemed to
be checking out our small pond, probably too small for
an eagle to fish, but it brought him/her in fairly

Also, a visit from a male towhee...for some reason we
seldom have them here, despite ideal habitat.

Some not-so-good news too...we checked our chickadee
nest box today & found the eggs gone, one broken an
stuck to the baffle...a few days ago we saw a pair of
bluebirds checking out this box (which already had the
chickadee eggs in it)...could they possibly be the
culprits? Never heard of that before and found no
reference to it in my Audobon Guide to Attracting
Birds. We've had this box up for at least 5-6 yrs. and
it has been used repeatedly by bluebirds and great
crested flycatchers...never once has a nest failed
before, but this is the first chickadee nest in this

linda & skip

--Linda Jeannette Ward
--P.O. Box 231
--Coinjock, N.C. 27923

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