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JohnstonMill Redux

Took another stroll in Johnston Mill Reserve this morning with J. Steere. Highlights were a Worm-eating Warbler and a Scarlet Tanager who audaciously forced himself in front of our binoculars while we were looking up high for a Parula W. Other birds seen (or heard) along way included:

Black-and-white W.
Black-throated blue W.
Summer Tanager
Yellow-Throated W.
Common Yellowthroat
RE. Vireos
La. WThrush
RC Kinglet
possible Blackburnian W.
RT Hawk


**Rob Gluck....... Chapel Hill,NC....... thrush@hotmail.com

--- "And on the fifth day God created birds.... (days 1-4 must've been a real drag)."

-- old Leica binocular ad

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