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HBSP on 4-27

Hi C'birders,
Today from 10 AM to 1:30 PM I birded solo at Huntington Beach S.P.,
Murrells Inlet, Georgetown County, SC and had 42 species. Areas Covered
were a peek at both sides of the causeway, jetty pond area and north end
of Sandpiper Pond and the feeders at the Education Center. It was a
mostly cloudy with a firm northeast wind.

Common Loon-1 in the inlet
Pied-billed Grebe-1 in Sandpiper Pond
Brown Pelican-14
Double-crested Cormorant-4
Great Egret-3
Snowy Egret-6
Red-breasted Merganser-29 flock in the jetty pond numbered 24
Clapper Rail-1 heard along causeway
Common Moorhen-1 in Sandpiper Pond
Black-bellied Plover-1
Wilson's Plover-1
Piping Plover-3 on the beach on the way to the jetty
Am. Oystercatcher-2
Greater Yellowlegs-2
Spotted Sandpiper-1 on the jetty
Ruddy Turnstone-9 most on the jetty
Sanderling-7 alon the beach
Purple Sandpiper-5 on the jetty
Laughing Gull-many overhead
Herring Gull-4 immatures
Ring-billed Gull-1 immature overhead
Gull-billed Tern-1
Royal Tern-7
Sandwich Tern-24
Forster's Tern-3 molting individuals
Least Tern-7
Mourning Dove-1
Tree Swallow-4
Barn Swallow-5
Blue Jay-3
Fish Crow-9
Carolina Wren-2 heard only
N. Mockingbird-1
N. Cardinal-2
Painted Bunting-2 or 3  1 male & 1 or 2 females at the feeders at the
education center
Savannah Sparrow-2
White-throated Sparrow-2
Red-winged Blackbird-2
Boat-tailed Grackle-2

Jack Peachey
Conway, SC