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Greenway in Fort Mill, SC

Hi folks, I birded Anne Springs Close Greenway in Fort Mill, SC and had a
great time.  The woods were full of birds.  The highlights were first of
the season Black-and-White warbler, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Eastern
Kingbird and two lifers Kentucky Warbler and Swainson's warbler.  I was
investigated a call heard earlier in the woods when I spied the Swainson's.
What a thrill and a surprise!  It song from a exposed perch for few minutes
allowing me to study its feathers and song.  I then heard another bird a
beautiful male Kentucky warbler singing himself into view.  Two lifers in
one minute.  Both birds were off business 21 at the Ridley Creek entrance
way about a quarter mile into the trails.  If you go wear boots as these
are horse trails and they were extremely muddy.  Tonight while playing
baseball with my son two Common Nighthawks flew overhead.  Dave Collopy

David Collopy
Rock Hill, South Carolina