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Durham count results


The Durham NC spring count was held April 27th, and we achieved a total of 123 species and 6692 individuals. This was a very normal count for this circle, with no reports of any outstanding rarities. Our best birds were 3 Black-crowned Night Herons seen by Norm Budnitz and his party at Butner Game Lands, an in town Chuck-will's-widow heard by Josh Rose at his house just north of downtown Durham, and 20 Bobolinks reported by Anson Cooke and his party covering the Lake Michie area.

Probably the most unusual aspect of the count was the fact that 12 species were seen in record high numbers for Durham. Most notably 9 Common Loons, reported by 4 parties, all were early morning fly-overs, and a nice count of 37 Prothonatary Warblers.

Bobwhite and meadowlarks continue in historically decimated numbers from habitat loss, and Ring-billed Gulls continue a four year pattern of puzzling low numbers. See my separate post on this.

Good birding,
Mike Schultz
Durham, NC