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West Virginia and Ventures Update


We just returned from a very pleasant birding and botanising Venture to the
Cranberry Glades area of West Virginia, where we were based in Both
Marlinton and Lewisburg for about 5 days. Despite the very unseasonably cold
weather (even ice on the van on Sunday morning!!), we had a very good
selection of species:
Highlights were as follows:
Yellow-billed Cuckoo - fairly common along the Greenbrier River Trail  ( a
very beautiful walk)
Merlin (1)    Highland County, VA
Red-headed Woodpecker
Alder, Willow and Acadian Flycatchers
4 Vireos, inc. Warbling
Fish Crow
4 Thrushes, inc. Swainson's, Veery and Hermit
19 Warblers, inc. Yellow-rumped, Mourning and Kentucky
Loads of Baltimore Orioles!
.....and a wonderful Black Bear.
A complete list can be seen on the Ventures web site under trip reports

We also have a couple of day trips coming up in July and August
July 2    Avery County for birds and butterflies, esp the Baltimore
July 19    Searching for Hellbenders in the South Mills River near
August 15    Blue Ridge Botanising
...and if anyone wants to see the Colima Warbler in Texas, we have a
last-minute Venture to Big Bend and the Davis Mountains from July 21 - 30.

As usual, all information can be found on the Ventures website

Simon Thompson
Ventures Birding and Nature Tours
PO Box 1095
Skyland, NC 28776
Phone: 828.253.4247