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Re: NC Birding fraternity (ABA Big Day and List Report)

Hi Josh and C'birders.

The SC Gifford Beaton is the father of the Georgia Gifford Beaton.

Jack Peachey
Conway, SC
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Joshua S. Rose" <jsr6@duke.edu>
To: <carolinabirds@duke.edu>
Sent: Monday, June 09, 2003 10:25 PM
Subject: re: NC Birding fraternity (ABA Big Day and List Report)

> Hi again,
> It has been pointed out to me that I should have listed Bob Holmes'
> up there with the other birders who drive the NC competition to its
> current over-400 heights. Apologies to Bob for leaving him out! He's
> listed in this year's ABA Big Day and List Report - which just
> and presumably inspired Shantanu to start this thread - but last
> which is still on the ABA website, shows him at 396 species, one spot
> ahead of Eric in the standings. I'm told that Bob is now above 400, up
> there with Ricky, Harry, Derb, and the Johns; guess he was too busy
> birding to fill out the ABA paperwork! (I suspect that Mike Tove is
> pretty far up there too)
> As for Eric, he may not have surpassed the magic 400 number yet, but I
> think all of us down here in the 250-350 neighborhood owe him lots of
> credit for relaying news of individual birds and birding hotspots to
> Carolinabirds.
> Another bit of errata: apparently, the Swift Creek with all the rare
> mussels and other species, the subject of the misguided legislation
> by the NC House and currently in the senate, is not the same as the
> which runs through Hemlock Bluffs and the Swift Creek Bluffs preserve.
> But, as the person who pointed this out to me said, "This doesn't make
> proposed legislation any less heinous."
> Back to the ABA Big Day and List Report: glad to see a few new big day
> records for NC. One team - David Harrison and Tom Spies - topped the
> August record of 100 species by tallying 110. Another - Richard
> Scott Spangenberg, and Frances Doyle - tied my June record of 93. And
> thankfully, my pitiful old December "big" day of 56 species is finally
> the books, though I'm not sure by whom; Norm Budnitz and I submitted
> of 81 species, but the number now in there reads 84, with no
indication of
> who the responsible party was. Lowest NC big day is now 70 species in
> March; but of course, there's no reason why we couldn't have 100-plus
> species in all 12 months here, other than jobs and families and all
> other distractions...
> And hey, is Gifford R. Beaton of South Carolina, ranked #41 in NC with
> species, really a different person than Giff Beaton of Georgia, ranked
> in NC with 256 species? I notice they both show up on the SC rankings
> too, with Gifford ahead of Giff there as well. But only Giff is listed
> Tennesee... Well, if there really are two of him, it would explain how
> finds so many good birds *and* dragonflies!
> Good birding,
> Josh
> Joshua S. Rose
> Duke University
> Department of Biology (Zoology, R.I.P.)
> jsr6@duke.edu
> http://www.duke.edu/~jsr6/