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Cooper's Hawk Wins and Oregon Inlet

Hello all,

Today about lunch time, I went to see the Cooper's Hawk nest on the NCSU
campus - the timing was perfect and I got the full scoop...

The construction closest to the nest tree has been halted due to the
quick response of Bill Simpson, Superintendent for D.H.Griffin
Construction Co. and John(?)the NCSU project leader.  The nest was
spotted by one of the heavy equipment operators last Friday.  When he
and Bill realized it was a hawk nest they halted operations until they
could determine what to do - the result has been to move the work back
away from the nest until the four nestlings have fledged.  

The nestlings are in various stages of development with several already
developing brown feathers but one still has mostly white down.  I must
say, they're cute but a motley looking group.  Several are already
exercising their wings even though their heads look like pin cushions
with new feathers coming in.  Mom was not only observing the nest but
all of the action in the parking lot.  She seemed quite comfortable and
was preening and seemed to be relaxing waiting for Dad to return with
lunch.  Estimates are that the nestlings will fledge in 2-3 weeks.

The campus news service has issued a news release regarding the nest so
watch the papers for the next few days.  Don Wilkerson from WRAL,
Channel 5 news was there at noon to do a story.  He took lots of video
footage and the story may air at 5 PM tonight but is more likely to air
at 10(Fox 50) and 11 tonight and tomorrow AM and at noon. In addition to
the interviews with the Griffin and campus folks, Will Rowland was on
hand to provide some biological information.  Hopefully, this feel good
story will get lots of air time and I salute both D.H.Griffin and NCSU
for their positive response to this situation.  

On another subject, Wake Audubon is on the mailing list for the NC DOT
Bonner Bridge Update.  A new bridge is proposed for Oregon Inlet and
will, of course, impact Pea Island NWR.  They are in the early planning
stages so you may want to stay abreast of their plans and make your
comments known.  There are Citizens Informational Workshops scheduled
for June 26 from 4-7:00 PM at Rodanthe and Buxton - perhaps some of the
Carolinabirds members in the area can attend and let us know what
happens.  The next steps are as follows:

Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) - February, 2004
Final EIS - February, 2005
Record of Decision - May, 2005
Begin Right-of-Way Acquisition - August, 2005
Begin Construction - August, 2006

Toll free number for additional information: 1-866-803-0529

>From the information I received, it appears the first choice is to have
the new bridge go from the current northern location (Bodie Island
lighthouse side) to Rodanthe at the emergency ferry dock - approximately
a 17 mile long bridge!  They say this alternative will minimize natural
resource impacts.  Stay tuned and be sure to make your concerns known
before it's to late - you know that old saying, "It ain't over until

Good birding,

Lena Gallitano
Raleigh, NC