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Re: more RT dove photos

OK, so that is not a typical Collarde Dove, it is not a Collared Dove at all.
Birds is much too dark rusty for any variation of wild Collared. Wing coverts and especially uppertail is far to reach in colors for Collared. Back and wing coverts look like in Laughing Dove, however secondaries and greater coverts are too dark. Breast looks almost as in some Stock Dove/Wood Pigeon.Underwing is way too dark for Collared but underwing coverts are lighter than in Laughing Dove. It may fit to some of the color mutations of "Ringneck Dove" but not exactly (tail is too blackish) , see: <http://www.concannon.net/wilmer/Wilmer%27s%20WebPage/GENETICS_OF_RINGNECKS.htm>

So, for me the bird look very much like some escape color phase of "Ringneck Dove" (Streptopelia "roseaogrisea" risoria ?) or some other kind of bastard or mutation of most probably Streptopelia roseogrisea. That means I am not able to make a positive ID of the bird. Furthermore as an escape and hybrid/mutant individual, in my opinion, it shouldn't be consider as a species on North Carolina Bird List.


Will Cook wrote:

I just uploaded some more photos of the Ringed Turtle-Dove specimen from the NC Museum of Natural Sciences, showing more of the bird, including the top side:


Any further comments?

-- ************************************************ Michal Skakuj Ph.D. 4600 University Drive apt. 1312 Durham, NC 27707 phone: 919 402 9961 mobile phone: 919 599 3040