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Chimney Rock field trip 6/29/03

Louise and I and 28 other birders joined Simon Thompson this morning for a
3-hour birding walk along the Woods Loop from the base of the elevator to
Hickory Nut Falls at Chimney Rock Park.  The walk began with great looks at
a Scarlet Tanager.  The most common warbler of the walk was the Hooded,
which gave us several good looks.  Black-throated Green Warblers were also
abundant with several good views.  Several of us got a quick look at a
Worm-eating Warbler and a pair of Chimney Swifts that seemed to be nesting
behind the waterfall.

We heard several Swainson's Warblers below the trail, but Simon suggested we
might see one if we parked in the meadow at the climbing tower and walked
one of the trails from there.  He was right.  After the group walk, Louise
and I parked at the appointed spot and walked about 50' along the trail that
starts directly across the road from the climbing tower to a small bridge
over a very small creek in a rhododendron patch.  Sure enough, there was a
Swainson's Warbler bathing in the creek.  Louise and I both got a quick but
good look and added species number 431 to our life list.  Thanks, Simon, you


Larry Barden, 1501-G Lansdale Dr., Charlotte, NC, 28205, 704-535-6385,