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Cooper's Hawks at NCSU

Hello All,
I just stepped outside to check the progress of young Cooper's Hawks. 
I saw three of the fledglings perched in the pines about 30 ft , and the
fourth about 60 ft from the nest and at approx. the same height as the
nest. They were actively preening bits of fluff and chick down from
their new feathers.  After half an hour of searching, though, I could
not find the male or female adults.

Contrary to media reports and others, this construction project was not
completely halted, nor were they asked to.  I simply asked them to shift
site operations away from the nest tree until the hawks fledged and a
few days beyond while they remain near their nest.  

The construction company is not looking for an excuse to continue, and
is to be commended for spotting the nest , taking the correct actions in
this case, and their continued cooperation.
I speak with the NCSU construction manager and the site foreman almost
daily concerning the hawks.  They are always anxious to give me their
observations and relate other bird and wildlife sightings. We've agreed
that the we'll decide when operations near the trees can resume.  

For now, the young hawks are hanging close, and excellent views are
still to be had.

Will Rowland