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Re: White-throated Sparrow observed near Greensboro 6/25


Emily's comments allow me to sneak in
a report of my first ever birding trip out west.
I was with family in Ferron, Utah. Just got back
tonight (Sunday), was there a week. Saw 28 lifers
including some good ones! Details
if requested to my address below:

Steve Compton
----- Original Message -----
From: "Emily Tyler" <ettyler@triad.rr.com>
To: <carolinabirds@duke.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, July 02, 2003 7:49 PM
Subject: White-throated Sparrow observed near Greensboro 6/25

> Carolina Birders,
> What a surprise to hear and then see a White-throated Sparrow in my yard
> just north of Greensboro on Wednesday morning, June 25. This was shortly
> after returning from a week's visit to New Mexico (19 lifers!). Before I
> left on the trip June 17, I had heard the song a couple of times from
> the house but was unsuccessful in locating the bird at that time. When
> in a cedar tree on the 25th, the beautiful male appeared healthy but I did
> not force it to fly. I have been keeping watch and listening but have not
> seen or heard it since a week ago. How unusual is this late sighting? The
> last (or so I thought) White Throats left here the end of April.
> Emily Tyler
> Browns Summit, NC