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Trip to Fleetwood, Ashe County, NC


I traveled to Fleetwood, NC, for a family trip and was
able to do a little birding.  My Grandmother and aunt
live there.  I had hoped to make a try for Swainson's
Warbler, but time did not allow.

I did walk up and down "The Mountain", or Deep Gap
Estates Road west of Route 221 in Ashe County. 
Saw/heard the following:  1 Cooper's Hawk, 2
Broad-winged Hawks, 3 Pileated Woodpeckers, 1 Acadian
Flycatchers, 1 Yellow-throated Vireo, 1 No. Parula, 8
Hooded Warblers, 1 Black-and-white Warbler, 1
Ovenbird, 3 Black-throated Blue Warblers and the usual
assortment of common birds (Wood Thrushes, Indigo
Buntings, Red-eyed Vireo).  I had two birds that I
would have called Red-breasted Nuthatches based on
calls, but I was unable to get decent looks to confirm
visually due to poor lighting.

Seen/heard around my grandmother's house were Common
Raven, Belted Kingfisher, Ruby-throated Hummingbird,
Scarlet Tanager, and, ironically, a White-throated
Sparrow.  It called from the rhodos near my
grandmother's house but I never saw it.

Her Bluebird box has 4 bluebird eggs!

Good birding!


Eric Lundquist
Mundelein, IL

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