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Re: bald eagle in Orange County NC


A nice sighting, but not all that unexpected. I have had a Bald Eagle fly over my property in east-central Orange County, about 5 miles from Borland Rd --as the American Crow flies (or Eagle, as the case may be).

Since there are now resident populations of Bald Eagles at both Jordan (12 miles from Borland Rd) and Falls Lakes (20 miles from Borland Rd), and since these birds tend to disperse, or at least wander a bit, after breeding, their presence in central Orange County is not an unreasonable expectation.

Actually seeing one, knowing what it is, and being impressed by it--now that's the fun part. I'm sure they fly by unnoticed a lot.


At 11:35 PM 07/09/2003 -0400, you wrote:
Hi folks,

A friend of mine who lives in Efland (NC - near Mebane/Hillsborough) saw a
Bald Eagle yesterday perched in a tree on Borland Road.  This is pretty
unusual, no?  Looking at my field guides, they are supposed to be rare in
the Piedmont, especially in the Summer.   Thought you all might be
interested.  My friend said if she saw it again, she'd take a picture.  She
saw it pretty close up and there's not much out there that could be mistaken
for this bird, is there?

Was it just passing through?  Or is it possible it has a home nearby?
What's the current Bald Eagle population?

Jenny Richards
Hillsborough NC

*********************************************************** Norman Budnitz, nbudnitz@duke.edu 919-684-3592 (day), 919-383-0553 (eve), 919-660-7293 (fax)

(work) Biology Dept, Duke Univ, Box 90338, Durham NC 27708
(home) 4115 Garrett Drive, Durham NC 27705

PROGRESS: the victory of laughter over dogma.
(Tom Robbins, Half Asleep in Frog Pajamas)