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July 19, 26 Pelagic trips

Dear Carolinabirders,

I will be away from e-mail until Thursday evening, but I wanted to let
everyone know that space is still available on our July 19 trip from
Hatteras, NC.  Anyone wishing to go can show up at Oden's Dock at 0600
and pay cash for a space our Miss Hatteras charter that day.  I'm afraid
we probably won't have enough passengers to go on July 20.

We also still have 10-12 spaces on our July 26 trip from Manteo, but
will probably not have a trip there on July 27, and we have space on all
of the rest of our summer trips from both NC and Virginia.  Details can
be found on our website at http://www.patteson.com/.

Thanks for your interest in these trips.  We will do our best to run as
many as we can.

Brian Patteson
Hatteras, NC