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A couple of things

Hi folks;
A few days ago I was carrying my Pug (actually, I am his human, but we
won't go there) down the road to walk him, and saw in the Norway Spruce
trees (hi Josh) next to the road a hawk of very Accipiterish aspect
hopping through the limbs. Several of the resident songbirds were
(justifiably) upset, and were letting the world know about it. I got a
good look at the hawk's tail - forked looking - and figured it was a
Sharpie, though it was awful big. Probably a hen Sharpie. It flew
directly away from me, so I didn't get a good look at the tail in
flight, but it sure had a good wing span. Looked to have a songbird in
its talons. My reasoning is : Coopers are more a broken country bird,
and might not be likely to be seen in a suburb, the tail looked slightly
forked while sitting from a head on view, and it wasn't all that big.

The Bluebirds of our yard fledged another brood yesterday. I was cooking
some hamburgers on the grill (yes, I am omnivorous with slight tendencies
towards carnivory), and walked out of the house to check on
them, when it looked like a Bluebird fair what with the sky seeming to
be full of them for a few seconds. For the most part, I was dodging
birds, when I heard a light "thump" behind me; a young-un had collided
with the screen door. I quietly picked him up looking for damage. He (or
she) was a brazen little critter, and seemed to have no fear. I held her
(him) up, and it took off over the house to a chorus of chatter from the
I am surprised how well the kids can fly when they fledge. Last brood, I
saw a little one burst out of the box, hit the ground, and promptly fly
off over the house. Extraordinary fitness.
Today I was getting my oil changed, and saw a butterfly light on the
asphalt, and promptly fly away from a man walking by totally oblivious
to it. I followed it with my eyes to a strip of shrubbery where it lit
on the mulch. I walked closer, when it closed its wings as though ready
to fly. I sneaked up, and s-l-o-w-l-y got my fingers into position to
pick it up. I then carefully spread it out on the index finger of my
other hand, where it just sat with spread wings, showing me it was a
Buckeye - a little early?
It sat there for a while (I showed it to the mechanic).
I finally got tired of it, and tapped an antenna, when it flew off in
good healthy flight, so I know I didn't hurt it. Curious it sat there so

Nothing rare or horribly interesting. Wait for migration. Haven't gotten
a life bird in a year or so. Or butterfly either. Probably plenty of
opportunity for a life Odonate, but I just run the list, I don't
identify them... Need to get a book.
Good birding.
Alex Netherton
Asheville NC