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Re: Tree Swallows migrating

That reminds me -- I saw 20 or more, including many adults, perched on
wires along a road leading north from Pettigrew SP (nearby), on July 15.
They don't breed in the immdediate area (we never see them doing the
butterfly counts in mid-June). But, they nest at Mackay Island NWR and
probably a few other spots in the n.e. corner of the state, so maybe
these could have come from that area or the Chesapeake Bay area farther
north. It wouldn't surprise me if some are nesting around the fringe of
Albemarle Sound. I never hear of any birders who check out that region.

Harry LeGrand

jeff lewis wrote:
> Hi folks,
> Sunday observed approx 60 Tree Swallows on wires along
> highway 32 between Plymouth and Washington, NC. I
> routinely get them here each year weeks before I see
> them anywhere else (like on the banks).
> Jeff Lewis
> Manteo, NC
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Harry LeGrand
NC Natural Heritage Program
DENR   Office of Conservation and Community Affairs
1601 MSC
Raleigh, NC 27699-1601
(919) 715-8697 (work)
FAX: 919-715-3085
e-mail: harry.legrand@ncmail.net