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2003 Mini Breeding Bird Surveys

2003 Mini Breeding Bird Surveys

The 2003 Mini Breeding Bird Surveys in Orange, Chatham, and Durham
Counties (North Carolina) are now complete!

The results for 1999-2003 can be found at ...


Orange County Route 9 was completed on July 27 (a make-up for a route
missed earlier) -- long after the target of July 1 -- but the numbers of
birds singing were still respectable.  Tufted Titmouse, Northern
Mockingbird, and Pine Warbler were the only species that seemed possibly
underrepresented.   On the other hand, the late date might have
contributed to the large number of owls calling at dawn!

We have enough years completed in Orange and Chatham to begin to look for
any trends.   Notice, for instance, the consistently downward trend for
Eastern Meadowlarks in Orange (but not in Chatham).   Grasshopper Sparrows
appear to be holding their own on the few routes along which they occur.
Tanagers, Wood Thrushes, and warblers also seem not to have decreased
(although fluctuations occur), but the Pine Warbler in Orange County will
merit watching in the future.

Although only two years of surveys are available for Durham County, many
species showed downward trends this year.

A final point of interest is the lack of marked changes in numbers of
corvids.  If West Nile Virus has affected their populations, it doesn't
seem to have been by much!

The April 26, 2004, meeting of the Chapel Hill Bird Club will provide a
chance to review the results so far ... and to lay plans for the future!

Haven Wiley