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Warbling Vireo and Dickcissel in Orange Co again

Warbling Vireo and Dickcissel on Dairyland Road again

On our return from a belated MBBS route this morning, Minna and I visited
the western end of Dairyland Road in Orange County.

A Warbling Vireo sang repeatedly from the big trees around a house at the
corner of Dairyland Road and Orange Grove Road, but we could not find one
at Anilorac Farms about a half mile to the east.

A male Dickcissel sang steadily from wires along the road just west of the
narrow drainage west of Anilorac Farms (although it subsequently flew a
long ways westward), and we spotted a female in the field on the south
side of the road.

A Grasshopper Sparrow sang in this field also.  And a Song Sparrow sang
along the drainage, a true country Song Sparrow, unlike the usual birds in
towns here at the edge of the species' range.

Haven Wiley