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hummers abound...ummhmmm

hi y'all,

got home this eve ~7:30 and was awestruck. even before i exited my chariot,
i saw the "Cirque du Colibris" is back in town! absolutely the most hummers
i've ever seen 'round this dive. took me 25 mins to walk 35ft; every shrub,
tree, flower patch and feeder had birds. there were hummers perched from 18"
off the ground in an azalea up to a dead limb in the top of a 50+yr-old
sycamore and "all points in between" (nod to that lil' ol' band from TX.)
complete, total mayhem...even the dweeb House finches were shut-out from the
feeders. a few of 'em were huddled in a pine uttering their querulous
"whees" to one another. twice hummers used me as a shield from their
pursuers, then darted right back into the fray. way, WAY cool!

a third of my hummer plants haven't started to bloom yet. guess i gotta get
s'more feeders...



gary phillips
conway, sc
sunset zone 31

"...where is the person, I ask, who, on observing this glittering fragment
of the rainbow, would not pause, admire, and turn his mind with
reverence..." (J.J. Audubon)