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Re: Ravens in Alamance County, NC

I'm away from The Chat and my field notes (and Avendex), but I saw a
Common Raven flying "down" I-40/85 somewhere near Burlington or
Gibsonville a few years ago. It was definitely east of Greensboro.

I haven't heard anything from the Guilford County folks whether ravens
are still nesting(?) in a quarry in the county.


Randy Emmitt wrote:
> Folks,
> I had to work today and wasn't very happy about it, but the job had to get
> done. We were at Alamance Regional Hospital and while unloading the truck I
> heard a Common Raven and caught a glimpse of it flying away. Later on it
> flew from a 2 story building across the street and came right overhead at
> the Emergency Entrance giving me a good look and ear full of its calls.
> Sure brighten up my day!
> The people that smoke by the door there told me that two of the noisy huge
> "crows" are seen there everyday coming and going from the hospitals roof
> (gravel). My construction contact at the job site told me these two birds
> have been known to tear out caulking around the windows. I'm betting
> there's a nesting pair at the hospital.
> I called Will and he believes this might be a new county record. Perhaps we
> should start looking for ravens in Durham and Chapel Hill.
> Randy Emmitt
> Rougemont, NC
> www.rlephoto.com

Harry LeGrand
NC Natural Heritage Program
DENR   Office of Conservation and Community Affairs
1601 MSC
Raleigh, NC 27699-1601
(919) 715-8697 (work)
FAX: 919-715-3085
e-mail: harry.legrand@ncmail.net