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Big Sit Circle suggestions

Dear Carolinabirders:

I am writing to garner ideas and suggestions about where you would 
locate a Big Sit Circle if you were organizing a Big Sit in North 

This is in preparation for a Big Sit that I plan to do this year on 
October 12 and for which I sent out an invitation a few days ago. I 
have had two responses so far but am hoping that a few others might be 

I myself dont know coastal N Carolina as intimately as some of you who 
have lived and birded in the state for much longer, which is why I am 
writing to see if Carolinabirders can come up with a few suggestions 
beyond what I have come up with. (I am assuming that coastal sites will 
yield much more than anythingin the Piedmont or Mountains--would you 
all agree?)

I have some specific and some general questions:

1. Battery Buchanan vs. Civil War Museum at Ft Fisher
The civil war Museum will have the advantage of having the Oak Grove 
nearby and that might get us more passerines. It would also give a view 
of Cape Fear River and, if located judiciously, maybe of the open ocean 
as well. However, it would not have as sweeping a view of the river and 
ocean and sky as the Battery would. Do people (especially 
Wilmingtonians and Southportians)have any thoughts on this choice? 

2. Have I missed any other obvious Ft Fisher places? Is the Pond at the 
Aquarium at all a good choice--it would give a view of pond, marsh, 
some scrubby oaks and maybe even the open ocean.

3. Pea Island:
If you were to locate the circle at Pea Island which of the ponds might 
you locate it at, and which side of the ponds. I have not done a lot of 
birding at Pea Island and know mostly the dyke that goes out from the 
visitor center so any help from Outer Banks people would be a big help.

4. Elizbethan Gardens:
I remember that there are some places that have a view of the Sound 
with a backdrop of Oak groves. Might this be good and what in your 
opinion will be its drawbacks? (Any ideas, Jeff?)

5. Alligator RIver NWR:
I have never spent much time here, but Amalie Tuffin wondered about 
this. Might there be a place in the refuge that would afford a view of 
a variety of habitats (my impression is that the land here is very flat 
and that vantage points might be hard to come by).

6. Finally, any other sites we should consider in other parts of the 
state (Sunset Beach lakes?)

Thanks in advance to your help. Your answers will be fun to read.

Shantanu Phukan