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Roseate Spoonbill - Sunset Beach, August 7

Greetings Carolina Birders

I am just returned from a week at your enjoyable Oak Island, NC.  Since =
this was a family trip with members from Indiana and the first time to =
this area of North Carolina ( I am a typical OBX fan), I wasn't real =
tuned in to the best places, even though equipped with Fussell. I did =
take one day and venture out to Green Swamp and then on to Sunset Beach =
-which was very crowded at the time of day I finally arrived and did not =
take the mile walk down to Bird Island. But I did appreciate the wood =
storks and anhinga in the area. While scoping from the road opposite the =
Twin Lakes, the storks feeding in the mud along the intracoastal, a =
shadow passed from behind and overhead. It was a roseate spoonbill. The =
bird flew out over the intracoastal and then headed west, not stopping =
until out of sight. This would be August 7 at approx. noon.
Since this bird has hit the listserv, thought I'd pass along the =
observation.( Haven't taken the time to determine how unusual a =
spoonbill is for N.C. - although I was quite surprised).  Just a few =
other sightings that may or may not be "worthy" for the area:
- upland sandpiper at the Oak Island Golf Course, 8/7
- wood stork along the intracoastal , out from the Hummingbird pavilion =
on Oak Island, 8/8
- black tern, same as above ,
and... the pelican show was a daily event,; by the end of the week, even =
the "hard core non-birders" were counting the numbers as each undulating =
wave flew over the beach.

Regards, and hope to visit again,
Rick Robinson
Chester County, Pa.
~50 miles west of Philly