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Kiptopeke Challenge (Fwd)

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From:           	KurtCapt87@aol.com
Date sent:      	Mon, 11 Aug 2003 22:48:01 EDT
Subject:        	Kiptopeke Challenge

The Ninth Kipotpeke Challenge will be held September 20, 2003.  This 
volunteer event is used by the Coastal Virginia Wildlife Observatory to 
raise funds in partial support of songbird, hawk and butterfly banding 
programs on Virginia's Eastern Shore.  The data obtained in these 
programs are disseminated to the public and to federal, state and local 
agencies to assist in land-use planning decisions, especially on 
Virginia's Eastern Shore.   Each team raises funds (minimum $100) 
through organizational and individual sponsorships that are tax 
deductible by the sponsor.  These funds will then be used by the CVWO.  
All participants get prizes and traveling trophies are awarded in 
categories for most species in 24 and 3 hours, most funds raised and 
best youth team performance.  Prior experience is not necessary, as the 
CVWO will provide advice and information on hot spots (for example, see 
http://www.cvwo.org ).  For more information or to enter the Kiptopeke 
Challenge contact Brian Taber (taberzz@aol.com) or Kurt Gaskill 
(kurtcapt87@aol.com) or write directly to the CVWO at:  Coastal 
Virginia Wildlife Observatory, PO Box 912, Eastville, VA  23347.  

P.S.  This is a charity event that everyone can do!  And, you have an 
excuse for a bit of birding fun on the eastern shore during the peak of 
migration!  - Kurt  

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Charles W. "Will" Cook                  w 919-660-7423
http://www.duke.edu/~cwcook            cwcook@duke.edu
Box 90340, Biology Dept., Duke Univ., Durham, NC 27708