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Henderson County Update

        This AM,  Bob Olthoff and I were birding in the Mills River, Hooper
Lane area of Henderson County.  We started on Butler Bridge Road with a very
nice BAIRD'S S/P in with a flock of Pectorals, Leasts, Semi-Palmated S/P,
Semi-Palmated Plover, and Solitary S/P.
        We headed to Hooper Lane where we saw at least 10 BLUE GROSBEAKS,
Alex are you reading this?
One bird sat and sang on the same bush for over 1 hour!  In fact he has been
using this bush morning and evening for several days, for prolonged periods.
This bush is about 30 feet from the bridge on Hooper Lane between the Orange
Allied Van and Jeffress Road.  When heading towards Jeffress from the
trailer, it is the second bush on the right from the bridge along the ditch!
        East of the Mills River Bridge on Hooper Lane we saw a very nice
OLIVE-SIDED FLYCATCHER!  We observed this bird though the scope for at least
10 minutes.  All field marks were seen extremely well, very large  dark
bill, big headed, dark vest and very large white tufts on the back.  This
bird flew off the top of a snag many times, flew high above the trees,
caught an insect and then returned to the same or an other very close perch.
I was able to get several satisfactory digital pictures through the scope
including the bird showing the large white tufts on its back!  It is not
often you get to walk away, prolonged views of this species.
Best regards,
Wayne K. Forsythe
Hendersonville, N. C. 28791