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Redstart by Ellerbe; Re: Web page with 3,912 warbler audios

Hi Carolinabirders,

Have not gotten out much recently. But today after Quaker meeting we had a
picnic along Ellerbe Creek, in ECWA's Six Acre Wood preserve. Lots of bird
activity, including my first migrant sighting of the year, a female/
immature American Redstart. Lots of hummingbirds chasing each other around
the abundant Jewelweed and other wildflowers, and White-eyed Vireo
singing, among other critters in evidence.

After getting by on one hummingbird feeder so far this year, about a week
ago they finally got dense enough to fight over it. So now one is in the
usual spot out front with the other bird feeders, and the other is in the
backyard (visible from the office window) on the huge brush-pile I built
with ice-storm leftovers. An adult male is the most frequent visitor in
back, while female/immature birds mostly use the one in front.

On Sun, 24 Aug 2003, Margie Wilkinson wrote:
> >
> > http://worlddmc.ohiolink.edu/media/borror/blbLogin?b=title
> This looks fascinating, but I can't get RealOne player to play these
> songs.  It may be because I'm using Netscape or cable, tho with the
> latter I don't see the why.  Is anyone else having this problem?

Well, I just tried it using both the latest version of Netscape and also
Microsoft Internet Explorer, and got errors both ways. So the browser is
not the issue; my bet is the software, that we need to use some other kind
of player. I have RealPlayer too...

Good birding,


Joshua S. Rose
Duke University
Department of Biology (Zoology, R.I.P.)
