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Squirrel baffles etc.

"AMEN and AMEN. Especially with Squirrel gravy over grits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
No, no, Sciurus carolinensis plus gravy over Southern style biscuits. Add
collared greens, some pinto beans, and you have a meal.
Here in Western NC we have a Gray Squirrel population explosion in the
suburbs, and they are eating everything. I even had a report from a friend
of one carrying a nestling bird off (I have read of this, but have never
seen it). I would suspect that this over population might affect some avian
However, there are squirrel feeders out there, and it involves feeding corn
(on the cob) which is cheap from most feed stores.
I am dismayed by the disappearance from my home land of the Bobwhite
(Quail). The last one I even heard here was in 1995 on my wedding day on
Mount Olive near the Parkway. It is of course due to changing land use, but
I haven't seen one in many years, and miss them terribly.
Begining to see tiny birds, probably warblers moving through, and I am
trying hard not to look at them too closely, or the old addiction will take
hold, and I will be cursing tiny birds which move at the instant my
binoculars come to my eyes. They always seem to do that, don't they? How
many more birds would be on my life list if my binoculars had a "freeze ray"
built in? Of course, that wouldn't be, um, sporting...

Alex Netherton
Asheville, NC