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Asheville birding and Ecology Conference

I've been hearing rumors of early migrants starting to move... anyone
interested in doing a little early mountain migrant birding the weekend of
Sept 6 might want to stop by the NC Arboretum in Asheville.  I've gotten
some of my best looks at life birds there during migration.  (There ... my
shameless attempt to make this an 'on-topic' post.  Will's gonna kill me.
But I've seen worse...  ;-)  )

While you are there, you might want to check out "Endangered Places in
Western North Carolina"; a conservation conference being put on by the
Western North Carolina Alliance.  They are fighting to save our natural
heritage in the mountains, so we can KEEP going there to see migrants.  This
is basically a public education/informational type conference, and anyone is
invited (and encouraged) to attend.  Governor Mike Easley will be the
keynote speaker.   For more information go to:


or contact Bob Gale, Ecologist; Western North Carolina Alliance
Ph: 828-258-8737;  bob@wnca.org



Toni Rexrode
Durham, NC