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23-24 August (last weekend) Hatteras pelagic


Last weekend's Seabirding pelagic trips on the Miss Hatteras were a lot of
fun.  We saw pretty good diversity and pretty good numbers of several
species of birds along with such bonuses as Hammerhead Shark, Loggerhead
Sea Turtle, Bottlenose and Spotted Dolphins, etc.

The highlight of the weekend for me (and for most, I think) was a very
cooperative Masked Booby that we found just after we started heading back
toward land on Saturday.  We stayed with the bird for 15 minutes for
spectacular views.

This was also the first pelagic trip on which I brought a digital camera,
so it was fun snappin' a bunch of pics.  I used a Nikon CoolPix 4500,
which only has a 4X optical zoom, so it's not that great for bird
photography.  Hence, most of the bird pics are pretty small and fuzzy.
Nevertheless, it was fun to put together an online scrapbook.  Check it
out at:


Jeffrey S. Pippen
Nicholas School of the Environment and Earth Sciences
Rm 139 Biological Sciences Bldg, Biology Department Box 90338
Duke University, Durham, NC  27708
PH: (919) 660-7278			<jspippen@duke.edu>