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Caesar's Head Hawk Watch - 9/3/03

Our first migrant of the season.

Broad-winged Hawk    1

Locals: P. Falcon-1, Broad-winged-1, Red-tailed-1, TV-4

Elizabeth Galloway had an nice number of warblers this morning at the site.
Warblers: Tennessee-5, Blackburnian-1, Worm-eating-1, BT Green-5, BT
Blue-2, A Redstart- 1, Hooded-2, Pine-1
Vireos: B-headed-1, R-eyed-2
Others:C Swift-60+, Goldfinch-9, P. Woodpecker-3, D-eyed Junco-5, E
Towhee-4, S Tanager-1, WB Nuthatch-2, N Cardinal-2, A Robin-1, C Wren-2, W
Thrush-1, B Thrasher-1, A Crow-1, C Raven-2, RT Hummingbird-5, T
Titmouse-2, C Chickadee-1

We are now posting results on Hawkcount.org: (mostly goose eggs, so far) 

Jeff Catlin
Marietta, SC